Commercialisti Associati... dal 1962 al servizio delle imprese (link alla homepage) Indirizzo Commercialisti Associati (vedi anche: Lo Studio --> Info utili) Iscritti al Consiglio Nazionale dei Ragionieri Commercialisti ed Economisti d'impresa
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Our firm

Commercialisti Associati is an Italian accounting firm, and has been operative since 1962.

Welcome to Commercialisti Associati!Its advice ranges from tax and accounting advice to business advice concerning strategies, consulting, and technical advice (legal as well).Thanks to its international connections, offers a complete and professional assistance, even at an international level, and it is specialized on the countries of the South- West Asia.

Our philosophy is based on a complete client aid, the client is the focus of our activities, and we consider our self as interlocutors for a critical reflection of business matters, risks and business prospects.We give a great importance to working with a creative team, identification with the clients, orientation towards the market, analytical thought, singular initiative and care.

We aims at offering a complete interdisciplinary advice and developing operative solutions suitable to all clients requests, specially related with tax, judicial and business advice, this approach allows us to analyse our clients problems from different points of view, we can elaborate particular problems and develop complex solutions. Data, indeed, are considered indicators to spot negative and positive points, trends and opportunities.

Our clients consist of business, different kind of corporations and natural persons from different industries and legal forms. We assist productive enterprises such as: services enterprises, natural person, small business and non-listed companies.

One of focal points of our activities is tax advice, we answer to all kind of questions regarding tax structuring and restructuring matters concerning business and groups, even at an international level. We offer a complete effective assistance both in the most delicate states concerning the relationship between taxpayer and tax authorities, preventing disputes, running and finding the best solution for the disputes themselves.



Commercialisti Associati is an associate consultants firm, the executive staff is composed of:

Dott. Rag. Italo Ballarò
Dott. Rag. Italo Ballarò.

D.ssa Simona Piazza
D.ssa. Simona Piazza.

Cont. Az. Ermelinda Fumagalli Piazza
Cont. Az. Ermelinda
Fumagalli Piazza.



plus our creative and motivated staff:

Il nostro StaffSaveria,
and Luca.

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