Commercialisti Associati... dal 1962 al servizio delle imprese (link alla homepage) Indirizzo Commercialisti Associati (vedi anche: Lo Studio --> Info utili) Iscritti al Consiglio Nazionale dei Ragionieri Commercialisti ed Economisti d'impresa
Lo studio
I servizi
Consulenza on-line







Advice and accounting:

Assistance, accounting, financial statements, advice and audit, business evaluations, transformations, mergers, consolidated financial statements, even following transformation, merging, winding up, contest and pre contest comparisons and procedures, legal and private opinions, opinions regarding legal purchasing and selling procedures, business valuation regarding disputes and conciliations, mergers, business contract drafting, winding up for arbitration purposes, business recovery and turn-around plans, legal proxy and aid in fiscal cases.



Tax advice:

Tax return preparation, general advice on international and national strategies, reply to individual queries regarding tax, international and national topics, pro veritate opinions concerning fiscal matters, assistance and defence in fiscal disputes of all kind, assistance assessment adhesion and judicial conciliation, study of business and family positions and international and national tax planning processing.




Assessing the feasibility of new business or activities, study of the improvement in activities or products profitability, finance assistance and advice, re-organization, shake up and turn-round transactions, assistance in business failure and other kind of procedures, business reorganization, merger and acquisition, national and international realization of commercial and or strategic alliances, research of partners, joint-ventures, acquisition or assignment of business and business sectors, assistance in legacy and generation problems concerning the business structure.



Small and medium business assistance:

Returns and fiscal advice, book-keeping, financial statement and return preparation, payroll keeping, tax regulation, research and application for financing and tax facilities, periodical statements and financial statements projections, partnership and join-stock companies incorporation and transformation, study and drafting of by-laws and particular clauses among partners, research and valuation regarding business sale and purchase, connections with tax and administrative offices, tax planning.



Legal advice:

Company formation law, including tax and financial statements aspects, co-operative society law, stock company law, groups law, building law, establishment law, temporary associations, business and entrepreneur taxation law and accounting law, tax criminal law, business succession, law of succession and tax law of succession, bankruptcy law, reorganization and turn-around, employment law, individual industrial law and dismissal protection, trade unions law, general commercial law, commercial contract law, bank law, lease and tenancy contracts, economic problems in marriage, international transactions.


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